CANCER BATS: Orangevale Footage Posted Online

July 26, 2008

Capital Chaos has posted video footage (see below) of Toronto's CANCER BATS performing at The Boardwalk in Orangevale, CA on July 24, 2008. Also on the bill were BLEEDING THROUGH, TAKE PRIDE and FIELD OF BLOOD.

CANCER BATS released its sophomore full-length album, "Hail Destroyer", last month via Black Market Activities. According to a press release, "Hail Destroyer" sees CANCER BATS "mature sonically and evolving as they incorporate the past, present of hardcore while they pave out its future."

In a February 2008 interview with, Liam Cormier stated about the new CD, "It's fucking blowing my mind! I'm so stoked for it. This album is definitely heavier, but at the same time, it's a lot more stoner rock, and a bit more dancey, and way more punk. I am a lot more pissed off, definitely screaming a lot more. Everyone who's heard it has said my voice sounds a lot more gnarly and a lot more pissed off. . . Everything we loved about [2006's] 'Birthing The Giant' we just pushed to the next level. A lot of people who hear it say it's a natural progression for the band. It's not like we're making any huge departures. It's more like, where songs needed to get heavier, we made them heavier. Where songs needed to be fast, we made them faster. If we had stoner aspects, we'd ride that home. I feel that we made a conscious effort with this to follow through more on what we wanted to do as a band than with the last record. I feel like this is our band coming together. Hopefully other people will think that. Or maybe everyone will hate it. Who cares?"

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